11 results
Buddleia davidii - Butterfly Bush for Sale online UK?
Buddleia davidii Butterfly Bush is for sale online in the UK. Please visit our webshop to buy your favourite Butterfly Bush. Their large, long blooming plumed and fragrant flowers makes Buddleia favourite of gardeners and butterflies alike. The Butterfly Bush or Buddleia davidii is native to western China and flourishes throughout Europe. In England you often see them in beautiful ornamental gardens, butterfly gardens and cottage gardens. The flowers can grow up to 30 cm long and are available in dark-purple, white, pink, and even in lemon yellow or orange. This shrub is indispensable for the gardener who loves flowers and butterflies and beautiful cut flowers. Butterflies love to frequent the plant on sunny days, usually at the end of the morning. This is an ideal time to watch out for them.
Buddleia davidii - Butterfly Bush Pruning
Buddleia Butterfly Bush is a fast growing flowering plant that needs spring pruning to keep it neat and tidy and in check. Good pruning also promotes flowering. Pruning is necessary to be able to enjoy the flowers, because otherwise the plant grows too high to see them. By removing faded flowers you can also promote a second flowering. With good pruning and by planting them in a nice spot in the garden in the sun or partial shade, you can enjoy this beautiful flowering plant year after year. Butterfly bush is for sale in various sizes and colours in our online shop.