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Eremurus bulbs for sale! – Foxtail lily
Eremumus variaties look absolutely stunning in larger gardens. The largest Eremurus variety, Eremurus Robustus, is one of the tallest flower bulbs known to man and can grow up to 2,5 meters tall! Eremurus, also known as Foxtail lilies, are hardy perennials belonging to the lily family. They have graceful flowering spires in different colours. Eremurus bulbs are not difficult to grow, however, they don’t like wet feet. For the best results, plant Eremurus bulbs in rich well drained soils and bright sunlight.
Plant Eremurus bulbs, definitely a dramatic statement in any garden
With her grassy leaves and tall willowy blooming spires, Eremurus is a real eye catcher. Planted in front of the border, they certainly make a dramatic statement. Yellow flowering Eremurus combines beautifully with pink lilies, dahlia’s, pampas grass and broader leaved evergreen shrubs. For more toned down combinations, think of planting white flowering Eremurus with Madonna Lilies and perennial geraniums.