3 results
Cyclamen also provide lovely flowers during the winter months
Cyclamen bulbs have uniquely shaped flowers and beautiful round leaves. They are excellent bulbs to naturalize in the garden and are also good ground cover plants. Cyclamen flower a long time, from August to December. When grown in pots, you can also combine them with herbs like rosemary and thyme, in window boxes outside during the winter. A stunning combination!
Cyclamen are easy to care for and wonderful garden plants
Cyclamen bulbs are wonderful garden plants. Not only because they provide colour during the dreary winter months, but also because cyclamen keep their leaves during this period, which is another reason to plant cyclamen. They are also very easy to care for and are shade loving. Which means that you can plant your cyclamen bulbs in spots where other plants tend to wither away. All in all an excellent little plant for your garden!