18 results
Hollyhocks (Alcea Rosea) – Classic garden plants
Hollyhocks (Alcea Rosea) are classic garden plants, with beautiful tall large flowering spires. Hollyhocks have been a favourite cottage garden plant for years and add a vertical element to the garden, adding much needed interest. Hollyhocks look stunning planted against fences or planted at the back of your flower border, giving your garden a touch of whimsy and romance. Although hollyhocks are short-lived perennials, flowering for only a couple of years, they self-seed easily. Hollyhock seedlings are easy to recognise and replant. Establishing themselves in the first year and flowering the next.
Caring for hollyhocks
Hollyhocks are carefree plants that grow well in any garden, providing you plant them in moist rich fertile soil in a sunny spot, because hollyhocks don’t grow well in dry soil or shady areas. At flowerbulbsinc.co.uk we sell many varieties that flower in July and August. Our most popular hollyhocks are the Alcea Rosea mix, containing lovely rich mixed coloured double flowering high quality hollyhock plants. Absolutely stunning.