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Edelweiss for sale UK?

Edelweiss for sale UK. Edelweiss brings back fond memories. We all watched 'The Sound of Music' every Christmas didn’t we? Listening to Captain Von Trapp softly singing "Edelweiss, Edelweiss ...," with a broken voice whilst looking up at his vulnerable family. Austria on the brink of war. No wonder this nostalgic flower is a symbol of courage and is the national flower of Austria. Edelweiss is a perennial alpine wildflower. Because of its beautiful appearance and spectacular white flowers it is also an excellent pot plant. Lovely for the patio or garden table. Edelweiss is protected in most countries in the wild. Fortunately, cultivated plants are available again for those who truly appreciate rare garden plants. For sale online via our website: online garden centre

Edelweiss care

Edelweiss requires little care to thrive, as it is used to growing in harsh conditions. It is a beautiful rock garden plant that grows well in nooks and crannies in the rock garden. Edelweiss flourishes in nutrient-poor soils such as sand or gravel in a bright sunny garden area. Edelweiss plants need room to grow as they do not like to be crowded by other plants. It is important that the soil is well drained, so that the roots do not stand in water for prolonged periods of time. Are you looking for a unique and special plant for your garden? Then Edelweiss is definitely worth adding to your plant collection. Buy yours online today.

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