The very popular Dahlia Natal is a Mini Pompon or Ball Dahlia, named because of its beautiful burgundy red spherical flowers. Natal grows to a height of approximately 100 cm. Dahlia's bloom in the summer garden from July. Pompom or ball dahlias have characteristic globular double flowers that are smaller than decorative dahlia flowers. These varieties combine well with other garden plants and look fabulous when planted in large groups. Plant the tubers in a sunny spot in the garden from mid-May. The soil must be nutritious, airy and well-draining. Do not allow the soil to dry out during the growing season.
Dahlias are native to Mexico and are very popular. They provide beautiful cut flowers. For a long-lasting bloom, remove dead flowers to promote new flowers growth. Because Dahlias are not hardy in our climate, harvest the tubers in the first week of December and store them in a frost-free environment. Tip: plant them in attractive pots on the patio.
Vegetable Garden: Did you know that dahlia flowers are edible? Sprinkle the leaves over a salad for a festive effect.