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Cosmos planting instructions

Posted on 14-12-2023 by thartog_stramark.nl

Cosmos summary

Height:  60cm
Spread:  38cm
Time to divide Cosmos seeds:  March to May
Cosmos flowering period:  July to September

Cosmos seeds planting instructions

Well-drained (poor) soil

Your cosmos will thrive best if grown in well-drained soil. In general, rich, fertile soils actually tend to produce unusually tall, lanky plants. Because of this, cosmos is one of the best plants for growing in poor soil.

Do not plant Cosmos too deep

Firm or rake cosmos seeds into loose soil - if the cosmos seeds are planted too deep, germination can be affected. Keep the soil moist for 5 - 10 days after sowing. Cosmos seeds will sprout in 7 - 21 days. If the early spring has been cold, soil temperatures will also remain cool. If the soil temperature is below 18C, seeds may not germinate as rapidly. Thinning is really not necessary.

Full sun

Cosmos is a sun-loving annual; it will not produce as many blooms if grown in the shade. Ideally, choose a location that receives at least 8 - 10 hours of direct, energy-giving sunlight.

Cosmos maintenance instructions

You can plant your cosmos seeds at pretty much any time of year, once the danger of frost has passed. Cosmos will continuously bloom all summer and autumn until the first frost hits. They are very easy to grow, needing very little care throughout the summer months, although you may need to stake your cosmos. Dead cosmos flowers should be removed regularly to maximize the bloom period.

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