Posted on 27-12-2023 by
Agapanthus bulbs planting instructions summary
Height: |
60cm |
Spread: |
45cm |
Time to divide plants: |
March to May |
Flowering period: |
June to September |
Agapanthus bulbs planting instructions
Well drained soil
Before planting your Agapanthus bulbs, ready the soil, if necessary, by mixing in ample organic matter. Soil preparation isn’t always necessary if drainage is good. If Agapanthus bulbs are left sitting in water, they will rot.
Full sun to light shade
When planting your Agapanthus bulbs, make sure they will receive full sun to light shade. Plant the bulbs 2" deep and 4-6" apart. After planting, water your bulbs generously, soaking the soil. Roots and top growth will form within a few weeks.
Agapanthus maintenance instructions
Flowering plants need care throughout the growing season, to keep looking their best. Agapanthus flowers develop during the summer and last for weeks. Feel free to cut blooms for arrangements as this will not hurt your plants. Provide supplemental water, as needed in the spring and summer. The soil can be allowed to dry out in the autumn and winter.
Enjoy your Agapanthus bulbs again next year
Bloeiende Agapanthus planten hebben gedurende het hele groeiseizoen verzorging nodig om zo mooi mogelijk te blijven. Agapanthus bloeit tijdens de zomer en de bloemen blijven wekenlang mooi. Het kan de plant geen kwaad wanneer de bloemen voor boeketten worden afgesneden. In het voorjaar en de zomer dient de grond extra bewaterd te worden, maar in de herfst en de winter is dit niet nodig.
Geniet volgend jaar weer van uw Agapanthus bloemen
After your Agapanthus bulbs have finished for the season, leave their foliage in place; don't cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight and provide nourishment for next year's show. Water lightly, if at all, during the autumn and winter. Bring your Agapanthus indoors when night temperatures begin to drop to 5¢ªC.
Your Agapanthus will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle.
All our bulbs are delivered with detailed planting instructions
Click here to see our complete collection of agapanthus bulbs!