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Planting Crocus bulbs - instructions

Planting Crocus bulbs - instructions
Posted on 20-12-2023 by

Crocus summary

Height:  8-12cm
Spread:  5-8cm
When to plant Crocus bulbs   September - October
Crocus bulbs flowering period  February - April

Well-drained soil with organic matter

Before you start planting crocus bulbs, ready the soil, if necessary, by mixing in ample organic matter. Soil preparation isn’t always necessary if drainage is good. If crocus bulbs are left sitting in water, they will rot.

Shallow fertilzed holes

Dig holes 2 to 3 inches deep. If you are planting crocus bulbs in big numbers, dig shallow trenches. Leave 2 to 4 inches between bulbs. Add bulb fertilizer to the bottom of the hole and mix it into the soil. Place each crocus bulb in the hole with the pointed side up and the root side down. The bottom of the bulb should rest firmly on the bottom of the hole. Once in position, water your crocus bulbs thoroughly.

When to plant Crocus bulbs

Crocus bulbs can be purchased and planted in the late summer through to late autumn for spring blooming. For autumn blooming crocuses, plant bulbs in late summer. New plants can also be obtained through division.

Where to plant Crocus bulbs

When planting crocus bulbs, make sure the bulbs are planted in full sun to light (dappled) shade.

Crocus maintenance instructions

If your crocus bulbs stop flowering so healthily after a couple years, you may need to dig them up and divide them to encourage full blooms. The best time to divide your crocus plants is just as the foliage has completely yellowed and died.

Protect your Crocuses against squirrels

Healthy crocus bulbs don’t have many disease or pest problems. However, squirrels are partial to newly-planted crocuses and will sometimes dig them up and eat them. You can protect your crocus bulbs buy planting them under a wire mesh.

Planting Crocus bulbs alongside other bulbs

When planting crocus bulbs, it is recommended to mix crocuses with other bulbs. Crocus bulbs get on well with other spring-blooming bulbs and can easily be layered with other bulbs to create dramatic inflections of colour.

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