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Lavender for Sale Online
Lavender is for sale online in the UK via our webshop. Lavender – and its lovely scent – most certainly conjures up images of sunny, purple rolling Mediterranean hills or quaint French balconies decorated with this beautiful plant. Lavender is an undisputed classic French garden plant. It will give your English garden a romantic, Mediterranean touch. This fragrant garden plant is very versatile and drought resistant. Lavender is a lovely hedge plant, it looks stunning as an edging plant along garden paths, and looks beautiful in the flower border or pots and containers. When the plant is in full bloom during summer – with blue, purple, pink or white flowers – it is a real attention grabber. And not only that. It is also loved and frequented by bumblebees and cabbage white butterflies.
Lavender cuttings how to take
Taking Lavender cuttings is easy. Simply take a medium-sized cutting off the plant and plant it in good quality cutting soil in a pot. The cutting will soon develop roots and grow. This plant can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. Grow it together with rosemary, parsley, thyme and savoury and you have an instant spice mix for the barbeque. Delicious! And did you know that the Greeks and Romans were an immense fans of this plant? They used it to create different kinds of creams and ointment with and also used it for their bathing rituals. Tip: Plant Lavender close to your favourite seating area in the garden for optimal enjoyment.