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Lovage – Lavas (Levisticum officinale)
Lovage or Lavas (Levisticum officinale) is an incredibly versatile herb. It’s a perennial, growing into a tall fresh green plant from which you can harvest to your heart’s content. Lovage is a great substitute for salt. Only be use fresh Lovage leaves, as it loses flavour when dried or frozen. The fresh leaves give soups, sauces, scrambled eggs, spinach, carrots, potatoes and even salads a lovely celery flavour. Cooked with beef and lamb Lovage makes these dishes more digestible.
Lovage: easy to grow. Tasty and nutritious
Lovage is an easy to grow herb. Tasty and very nutritious. In our webshop you can buy Lavas plants that you can plant out directly. Lovage needs fertile soil to grow in. And also plenty of water and sunlight. Once established Lovage plants can grow up to two meters in length! So be sure to give them plenty of room to grow in.