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Coneflower plants for sale online UK
Coneflower plants for sale online. Coneflower (Echinacea) is a popular perennial garden plant in the UK. If you love flowers, then Echinacea purpurea is a colourful garden must-have that will enrich your garden. Choose a sunny garden spot and plant them in rich, well-drained, chalky soil and you have one happy plant.
Did you know that this popular perennial is native to the American prairies in the mid-west? Echinacea was used by Native Americans for its excellent medicinal properties; the Indians used it to deal with various kinds of medical problems. Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) are still used today in herbal remedies. The plant is well known to strengthen the immune system and is used for its anti-bacterial properties to treat various infectious diseases.
Coneflower plants perennial
Coneflower plants develop large and easy to recognise flowers on graceful stems. The flowers have a striking orange coloured heart and are somewhat daisy-like in appearance. Echinacea flowers are impressive and very eye-catching in the flower border. Red, White or Yellow coneflower combines beautifully with ornamental grasses, monarda and globe thistles. The plant is tall and stately and has beautiful foliage. Because of its compact growth the plant fills your flower border beautifully, supporting other plants. You can enjoy its bloom from July to September.
Coneflower plants provide beautiful cut flowers. This means you can enjoy this beautiful and cheerful summer plant indoors as well. Tip: leave the flowers to dry on the plant after flowering for a beautiful winter silhouette.