Lelie Mystery Dream (Lilium Mystery Dream) is an exotic, double-flowered beauty with clusters of unique light pink flowers. Whether you're looking for a special lily with a beautiful, full-growth habit that complements other perennial plants, this lily will impress you whether planted in the ground or pots.
Positive points:
- Summer-flowering Asian lily.
- Strong and reliable plant requiring little maintenance.
- Large cluster-like flowers with an exotic appearance and delightful fragrance.
- A robust plant that returns year after year with beautiful blooms.
- Suitable for both ground planting and containers.
- Excellent cut flower for bouquets and arrangements.
Points to consider:
- Plant in a sunny spot in the garden from mid-May (after the Ice Saints).
- Plant in well-draining soil to prevent root rot.
Asian lilies are excellent cut flowers and very easy to grow and care for. They look beautiful in the flower border or planted in pots and containers to brighten your patio, balcony or terrace. Add a touch of mystery to your garden with the enchanting Lelie Mystery Dream!